Popular Inquiry: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture is a peer- and double blind-reviewed open-access online journal dedicated to the study of the philosophical aesthetics of popular culture.

Yalili Mora, “New World Order: Visual Essay”
REVIEW: Maja Bak Herrie on Jacob Lund and Ulrik Schmidt (eds) (2020): Medieæstetik - en introduktion, “Studying Media From the Middle of Things”

REVIEW: Maja Bak Herrie on Jacob Lund and Ulrik Schmidt (eds) (2020): Medieæstetik - en introduktion, “Studying Media From the Middle of Things”

Manuel González de Ávila, “On Narrative Hypersign and Feminine Imaginary: Audrey Flack’s Photorealism”

Manuel González de Ávila, “On Narrative Hypersign and Feminine Imaginary: Audrey Flack’s Photorealism”