Popular Inquiry publishes texts in philosophy, aesthetics, cultural studies, semiotics, anthropology and art research (in some cases even artistic research), which deal with material that can be seen as kitsch, camp and/or mass culture - or where the issue is somehow studied on a meta-level.

Article manuscripts sent to Popular Inquiry have to be previously unpublished and written in English language. Please send your text and an abstract (maximum 100 words) to us in Word format. Please prepare the article manuscript according to the following guidelines:

  • The manuscript should be 5000-10000 words long.

  • Do not include your name, institution or any other identifying information in the manuscript.

  • All citations need to be in the endnotes and not in the main text and they need to be numbered sequentially with arabic numbers. Use the endnote function so that the notes appear at the end of the text.

  • Font should be 11-point Calibri, including the endnotes. We would be happy if you wouldn’t insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting.

  • Please follow the Chicago Manual (Notes and Bibliography, see link).

  • Only the left hand margin should be justified.

  • Please indicate the paragraph break by an extra line space.

  • Please do not adjust/design graphically the text. Keep it as simple as possible. Do not bold or underline words.

  • Please use only one form of English (American, British, etc.) - do not mix.

  • Punctuation (commas, periods, question and exclamation marks) should come before close quotation marks, not after.

  • We prefer not to publish images in the articles, but if there is an exceptional need for them, let us know about it. If you use images, please attach a document that shows that you have copyright for your images.

  • Please include on a separate document also your bio (maximum 100 words).

Please note, that if your article will not meet the requirements explained above, we cannot start the editorial process (including reviews).

Maybe it is needless to say this in this kind of journal, but if your article refers only to white Anglo-American middle-class scholars, something must have gone badly wrong in your approach.


If you want your book or article to be mentioned or reviewed, please it to us (snail mail, e-mail (PDF, link)). We welcome you to send books and articles to be enlisted and/or reviewed in the fall issue of the year in any of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Slovakian, Czech, Estonian, Polish, Russian, Ukranian and Hungarian. If you have publications in other languages which you would like to get reviewed, please suggest a person who could review them or who could at least check them for us.